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Coming soon, Famous quotes from Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.

"You can do anything you ought to do."


Bro Joel and Sister Jeanne Bagwell

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Date Q u o t e
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 "Go as far as you can on the right road."
Monday, Dec. 15, 2003 "You can't do right and get away with it."
Sunday, Dec. 14, 2003 "The right road always leads out at the right place."
Saturday, Dec. 13, 2003 "A Christian does good deeds, but just doing good deeds does not make a Christian.  (makes him a good deed-doer) "
Friday, Dec. 12, 2003 "The two biggest little words in the English language are the two little words, "do right."
Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003 "Every successful man I have ever met had come at some time under the dominating power of a great truth."
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2003 "Don't sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate." "You can't do wrong and get away with it."
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 2003 "You can do anything you ought to do."  ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Monday, Dec. 8, 2003 "Finish the job." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Sunday, Dec. 7, 2003 "It is a sin to do less than your best." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2003 "The greatest ability is dependability." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Friday, Dec. 5, 2003 "The test of your character is what it takes to stop you." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003 "It is never right to do wrong in order to get a chance to do right." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2003 "You and God make a majority in your community." ... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2003 "It is no disgrace to fail; it is a disgrace to do less than your best to keep from failing."... Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.
Monday, Dec. 1, 2003 "A friend is someone who has the same enemies as you do!"
Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003 "We can stand affliction better than we can stand prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God."
Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003 "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself."
Friday, Nov. 28, 2003 "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving."
Thursday, Nov. 27, 2003 Thank and Think also come from the same root word.

If we would think more, we would be able to thank more.

Wednesday, Nov. 26, 2003 "I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003 "The devil is never too busy to sing a lullaby to a Christian."
Monday, Nov. 24, 2003 "The devil moves in when a Christian starts to complain, but thanksgiving in the Spirit defeats the devil and glorifies the Lord."
Sunday, Nov. 23, 2003 "The fire of anger, if not quenched by loving forgiveness, will spread and defile the work of God."
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 "Learning how to forgive and forget is one of the secrets of a happy Christian life."
Friday, Nov. 21, 2003 "Peace with God brings the peace of God. It is a peace that settles our nerves, fills our minds, floods our spirits and, in the midst of the uproar around us, gives us the assurance that everything is all right."
Thursday, Nov. 20, 2003 God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame.
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2003 GRACE: unmerited favor to one deserving positive disfavor.
Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003 "Don't let Satan make you think you are so good that you don't need the grace of God. We are a bad lot, all of us, with nothing to pay.      ---D. L. Moody
Monday, Nov. 17, 2003 "An unforgiving spirit is the devil's playground, and before long it becomes the Christian's battlefield."
Sunday, Nov. 16, 2003 "Sin made us poor, but Grace makes us rich."
Saturday, Nov. 15, 2003 "God originally made man in His own image. Today, man is making God in his own image."
Friday, Nov. 14, 2003 "Grace and Faith go together, because the only way to experience grace is through faith."
Thursday, Nov. 13, 2003 "It is only when we yield to the Spirit and let Him control the inner man that we succeed in living to the Glory of God."
Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2003 "Humility is that grace that, when you know you have it, you have lost it."
Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

"A Christian robbed of his power cannot be used of God." (Without me ye can do nothing ... John 15:5)

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

"The Good shepherd died for the sheep and the Great Shepherd lives for the sheep"

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

"No matter where you turn in the Old Testament record, you meet Jesus Christ."

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

"The most essential element in any home is God."

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2003

"The best way to stand up for before the world is to kneel down before God."

Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 "It is always darkest just before the day dawneth."
Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 "Conscience is the most sacred of all property."
Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 "Life is for one generation, but a good name is forever."
Monday, Nov. 10, 2003 "The meaning of prayer is that we get hold of God, not the answer."
Sunday, Nov. 9, 2003 "Once in seven years I burn all of my sermons; for it is a shame if I cannot write better sermons now than I did seven years ago."
Sunday, Nov. 9, 2003 "I always prefer to believe the best of everybody, it seems to save so much time."
Saturday, Nov. 8, 2003 "The true Christian is a person who is right side up in a world that is up side down."
Saturday, Nov. 8, 2003 "A Christian must carry something heavier on his shoulder than a chip."
Friday, Nov. 7, 2003 "Many people today are the slaves of "things", and as a result do not experience real Christian joy."
Friday, Nov. 7, 2003 "For the Christian, heaven isn't simply a destination: it's a motivation."
Friday, Nov. 7, 2003 "Many ministries today are governed by popularity and not by integrity, by statistics and not by Scripture."
Friday, Nov. 7, 2003 "Success is to stand in the presence of God unashamed."
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 "To reject Christ is to reject God, and to reject God is to reject Life."
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 "The Pastor who is lazy in his study is a disgrace in the pulpit."
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 When the outlook is bleak, try the uplook. Apart from God's promises we have no Hope. As Vance Havner used to say, "Faith sees the invisible, chooses the imperishable, and does the impossible."
Thursday, Nov. 6, 2003 "Light reveals God; light produces fruit; but light also exposes what is wrong."
Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2003 "Worry is deceptive. It gives us a false view of life, of itself, and of God."
Wednesday, Nov. 5 2003 "Too often when life is easy we forget God and start to depend on our own wisdom and strength."
Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2003 "We are not reservoirs, but channels of blessing, to share with others what God has graciously given to us."
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2003 "Praise changes things as much as prayer changes things."
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2003 "The thing we serve is the thing we worship."
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2003 "The mind grows by taking in, but the heart grows by giving out."
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2003 "No matter how badly we fail, we can always get up and begin again; for our God is the God of new beginnings."

Monday, Nov. 3, 2003

"... for the people had a mind to work."

Monday, Nov. 3, 2003

"... Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see.  The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them ."

We love hearing from you!

Thank you for all of the encouraging emails that were sent yesterday.

Do you have a quote?

Bro. Joel: BroJoel@DrMikeBagwell.org

 I have asked our son, Bro. Joel, to compile these "wise little sayings!"

 They are dedicated to the Preachers and Teachers of the Word of God!

We would just like to help with some "Quotes" that might be

used in daily conversation or in pulpit announcements, etc.

--- Dr. Mike Bagwell

Bro. Joel Bagwell

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